Terms and Condition

Digitech believes in a 100% transparent process following between our clients and other associates. To ensure the same, we hold a clearly defined set of terms & conditions as per the industry's standard.


Acting on our responsibility to keep up with the confidentiality norms, we never sell, broadcast, or perform any act of distribution of any of the personal information shared with us to any third party. We make sure no unsolicited content is sent to our clients’ emails. At Digitech, we adhere to the mutual guidelines and thus only exchange email communication on the agreed-upon services and products disclaimer.

Disclaimer Exclusions and Restrictions

All the information and resources shared on our website is on “as it is” basis. We acknowledge our website and its content, along with any other related information, advices, opinions or any other statements made by the Company, or our affiliates, or third party are presented in “As it is” form.  As a company, we exclude all our related statements and warranties, that are directly or indirectly express or implied, including “if any” errors or omissions, are not subject to creating any damages, directly or indirectly with their usage. Under our terms, as a client or associate, one should underwrite Digitechware towards any direct/indirect or consequential/ incidental damages or losses, incurred to your computer system, software, systems, programs or any other data, thereon. It will also cover any kind of loss or failure of business and its associated profits, whether it’s foreseeable or not, or has arisen as a result of ordinary course of action or extrinsically advised by you to Digitechware.

Terms of use

Our website (“Web Site”) and its related products, services, and features (the “Materials”) are covered under the following “Terms of Use” by any user of the website (“you” or “your”).

The website designing, development,  and maintenance comes under Digitechware and is applicable to be used exclusively for informational purposes. Using the T&C, you agree to abide by rules to start/browse/download any material from our website or site. It is advisable to better avoid downloading any of our website materials, if you do not wish to agree to these terms and conditions.

We host legitimate business relationships with our associated clients, suppliers, and multiple other entities. Thus, we find it convenient to imply to terms like- joint venture, partnership, and partner whenever business relationships that involve common activities and interests is concerned, without mandatorily referring to precise legal relationships.


All information and related material shared on our website (apart from any third-party information) is marked as the belonging of Digitechware and thus, stands completely protected under the global copyright protection laws and provisions. None of the clients/third-party or anyone else is permitted to copy any piece of this information without the consent of the company’s MD for whatsoever purpose, it might be. To avoid any kind of unauthorized copying of any type of information or related materials, one agrees to comply to all the global copyright protection laws, while using the website. Digitechware doesn’t work on the policy of granting patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secret rights to anyone outside the authorized body of the company.

No Warranties

We stand no representations or warranties, in any form- expressly or impliedly, in concern to our  website, its information, and any other related materials, any software accessible via our website, including, but this isn’t limited to, any type of implied warranty of merchantability non-infringement, or required fitness for any specific purpose. Third-party content isn’t covered under our warranty, in any form- express or implied. Also, there is no warranty that this site will be virus-free. One cannot exclude implied warranties as applied under our terms as per their own jurisdiction.


Digitechware doesn’t stand responsible for any of its subsidiaries or affiliates in terms of covering its compensation or insurance. This covers any entity in the form of direct, indirect, special, consequential, or any other damages (including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of data, or programs or additional information on your system) that remains the outcome of either its usage, inability of usage, content, materials, or any other functions linked to the website. This will remain applicable even if Digitechware remains explicitly advised over the possibility of any such damages.

Changes or Amendments

Digitechware holds all the reserves and rights, under its sole discretion. This empowers it to either change, add, or modify any of its content for the Terms and Conditions part, partly or completely. The company MD holds also holds the supreme right to limit or completely stop the usage of one’s access to their website or any other related content with or without any prior notification.


Complying to the set physical security standards, Digitech owns a well-structured setup to foil any kind of data or information loss, misuse, or alteration of the user information, shared on our website. We hold all our data protected under various technical, administrative, and physical firewalls. Neither Digitechware nor any of our associated company or business bodies are provided access to our clients’ PII to avoid misuse for any business purposes and prevail guarantee of PII security. Reach out to us for any of the queries relative to our data and PII security procedures, write to us at: ________________.

Contact Information

For any assistance or inquiries concerned with our Terms and Conditions, feel free to get in touch with us at  ___________________.